Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Destruction

Well here is the damage report,Horses, dogs,pigs, chickens all ok and still where they belong. Trees are not so good, 5 are down for the count. Barn roof  is now definitely in need of help. The pig house total destruction makes me think of the three little pigs and the wolf relly blew it down. Even funner is that aranold ( the pig) dug a hole under it and is still using it for shelter. Poor guy.  Also missing in action is 1 barral where it is i have no idea.  The wind also took out half of my wind break. so when ever the wind decides to let up a little i have lots of clean up to do.O ya also have water in the basement and shingles on the house are trying to leave the country. Also the swing set was blown over the hill. Im going to have to wait for my muscle to come home to help me get it back up  How the fun never ends Don't we just love windstorms on the good side everyone is safe and nothing major is damaged.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Loving the rain but wished it would let up long enough so i could exorcize some horses. Alex was home sick again she was very disappointed, because the school took all the children with good attendance through out the year to see the new shriek at the movie house. She was very bummed she missed it. Hoping she will start to feel better. On a positive note my sister is moving to eastern montana. I am so looking forward to her being closer. Im also praying for her and bobby to get good job when they get her.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today was a great day. The girls and i went to church it was a great service. When we got home with the lovely wind we all took a nap that was great.  When we got up the wind went down a little. So we went riding the older girls did great they even practiced there barrel pattern they did very well. Im hoping they will be ready to go ride at the barral race on the  5th of june lets hope they will be ready.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rain Rain & Naughty Little Pigs

Im loving the moisture Lord knows we need it. How ever i was looking forward to working horses before the rain but i woke up to the rain a good and bad thing.  So because of the rain the girls and I stayed in side today and got some much needed organization done. Also some laundry.  How ever we did get some excitement around her today. The lovely wind and pigs picking at the gate, it blew open that was fun i just happen to see it when it happened. THank the heavens for big windows.  I went out and yelled at them and said  "get your little ass's back in you pin" and three of the went back. Amazing i never thought that would work, but ill take it. THen Irene and Ken helped me get the last two little buggers back in there pin.  They had to take a tour around the horse corrals but they went back in with out too much more excitement. So no i have chained and tied the darn gate shut. What would we do without a little excitement in my life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Horse

Hello to all its been a while since i posted SORRy. Life has been great around here. My pigs are growing like weeds. We also have gotten a bore he is so friendly our neighbors up the road sold him to us they where getting our of the pig business. My baby chick are not babies any more they are now out side ( thank heavens) growing like crazy i think i  only have 3 or 4 roosters though. O well thats the way that goes.  I have been riding some not as much as i should so i have decide to get my but out the door with the kids so when they leave on the bus i go ride. So far it is working.
The girls and i went for a trip on saturday with the new horse trailer. It was a nice trip we went and spent the day with Candy Jo. She was kind enough toilet Alex ride her Tex baby. She is loving riding him and just taking care of him. She grooms him and loves him every day as much as she can i think he is the most groomed horse in the state. He is so sweet to her he even puts his head down she she cant put his halter on. So i have a BIG BIG THANKS to Candy. YOu are such a sweet heat to let us use Tex i know he is your baby. You are also an answer to my prayers.  I  will try and get some pics to post of them together. Angelica has now decide she in-joys riding she has been riding silver so now her and mersadies fight over who rides first. The plus side is she get two girls to love and groom her she loves that. They both go out and love her all the time she even got her main braided he other day.  I think the lord for such sweet horses for my girls to learn on everyday.
I am hoping to get to a barrel race next month.Auston volunteered to go with me. So i cant wait to go it should be a blast. I am hoping that the girls will be ready to ride as well.I think they will if they keep up the hard work , and keep up there determination they will be.