Tuesday, March 30, 2010

well today was a fun day i went riding its such a nice ride after that mersadies and lilly rode silver. It was a beautiful day today after the rain stopped. The nice shower was a blessing. My yard is starting to green up now. Im still praying for more rain though my pasture really needs lots more rain so it will grow.

Monday, March 29, 2010

mersadies and lilly with grandma

mersadies and lily had a great time today it was so warm 74 was the high

Cleaning house and doing laundry getting ready for easter we are going to have a house full of family it will a great weekend.  Auston aunt Lela is also coming that should be fun its been a while since we have seen her. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today has been a great day we started it out buy attended church in wolf point. Not sure if we like it or not but it was a very nice church with very nice people. They are expecting to get there new paster he will be there for easter service and then he will be back in may and be there all the time so we will have to try there again and see how it goes. The people where so nice there and so welcoming it was also nice to have several kids the girls age there as well i think they enjoyed there selfs. After church Irene and i went riding. It was such a beautiful day for it. It as 64 here today with only a small breeze. It was definitely great riding weather. After we rode the kids all rode Silver and they had a blast. That pony will definitely teach them a lot of things. Alex even managed to saddle her all by her self. She is getting so big so fast. After working horses Ken, Irene and I Hung a new gate in the barn. So how many Suttons dose it take to hang a gate LOL. It has been a great blessed day today the little girls are definitely ready for bed and the older two are ready for school tomorrow. So lets hope for early bed tonight. Ya right. LOL 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thanks melissa for the new search engine safari i love it so much easer for keeping track of my most uses pages and sight that i go to the most
Hello to all  I hope you had  as great of a day as i did. It was another windy day blah but it finally went down yippee. I  went to Culbertson to get Lilly back form grandma she was happy to come for another visit. We are going to have a buzzy day tomorrow we are going to try and find a church to start going to. I am so look forward to finding a new church it should be fun and exciting. Then lets hope the weather is nice im going o go riding and the girls are going to practice there barrel pattern.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wed. March 24, 2010

Hello to all today was a great day Irene and i got lots done in the morrning we but up electric fence around the corral for some leanning horses then we got two gates moved ( man those where heavey or im weak). By the time we got done with that the wind turned on and we where very happy we had got our jobs finished. Then i got a wounderful call and Judy and Mary Jo stopped by for a vist it was so great to see them and visit. It was great to catch up for sure.  It was a great day now if spring would just stick around i think the wind is blowing of an ice burg.  I had a call form a friend today and she told me  she is pregnet with her first great news but the bad part she had an ultrasound and found out her baby has some defects so they have many tests to do to find out how severe they are to find out how bad so my prayers go out to her and her husband to help guide them through this trying time in there life and give them the strings to handle what comes there why. I also pray that there baby will be ok and they will all get throught this god willing. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello to everyone this fine eavning i hope you all had happy Saint Pattys day. I hope you all had your share of cornbeef. We did not have any we had that meal on sunday when Auston and Ken where home. The little girls had a buzy day they both played outside most of the day. It was s lovely day it was 61 her with the wind blowin but still so nice.I think spring has shown up for a few days any way.  There is snow forcasted for Friday but warm weather after that I hope. We got some bad news today a little girl that the girls road the bus with fell in the river on suday when she went out to walk her dogs. She was a very sweet girl she will b missed and our prayers go out to her family.  We also pray that she will be found soon to give her family clouser. My little brother has been her helping do some work around the place. He still has not had luck finding a job he has been waiting to here form douglas so tell then i have lots for him to do he has been my hired man i guess you could say. He will be heading home on Friday and come back for easter when auston comes home.  Tomarrow he is going to finish painting my livingroom for me since i still can not do it maybe someday the sholder will be better maybe.  well have a great evening.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

today was a great day mersadies and lilly helped with fixing the gate in the corral and then they rode silver they did such a good job i cant belive how big they are both getting.

mersadies rinding silver all by her self ( well thats what she thinks anyway)

Lilly on silver she is such a natrual , but she is still a little timid around horses ill fix that this summer when she stays with us. it will be so much fun i cant wait
Hello to all welcome to the Sutton Chatter. I will try to update you all when i have a chance to and as often as i can. I will post what we have all been upto in our buzy lifes.